Bede Griffiths Talks
Title | Speaker | |
The Universal Call to ContemplationSerial: NC-00635 THE UNIVERSAL CALL TO CONTEMPLATION. D. Bede Griffiths, OSB Cam. Talk given at the Hermitage ‘92. OSB Cam, Ego, Breath, Demons, Renunciation |
1992 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Contemplation and Contemplative LifeSerial: NC-00634 Introduction by Robert Hale. Fr Bede chanting. OSB Cam, Ego, zen meditation, Compassion, zen, Anger |
Aug 04 1991 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Integrating Sacred Journeys: Unity in DiversityOSB Cam, Pain, Daily Life, War, Discrimination, Duality |
Dec 16 1986 Shantivanam Ashram |
Unveiling Symbols of Spiritual DestinyOSB Cam, Ego, Enthusiasm, Fasting, Buddha, Hate |
Nov 29 1986 Shantivanam Ashram |
Mystical Paths to Divine RedemptionOSB Cam, Daily Life, Don't Know Mind, Ego, Letting Go, Rumi |
Nov 14 1986 Shantivanam Ashram |
Morning and Evening TalksOSB Cam, Ego, Duality, Daily Life |
Jul 30 1986 Shantivanam Ashram |
Divine Judgement and Spiritual SynthesisOSB Cam, Demons, War, Sanctuary, Attachment |
Jul 21 1986 Shantivanam Ashram |
Hidden Glory in Everyday GraceOSB Cam, Ego, Attachment, Buddha, Demons, Observe |
Jun 26 1986 Shantivanam Ashram |
Embodied Spirit: Pathways to Divine UnionOSB Cam, Anger, Ego, Hate, Don't Know Mind |
Mar 11 1986 Shantivanam Ashram |
Transcending Flesh Through Divine LoveOSB Cam, Ego, Forgiveness, Anger, Ceremony |
Feb 16 1986 Shantivanam Ashram |
Evolving Gospel: Dialogue and InculturationOSB Cam, Buddhism, Karma, Hate, Enemies, Buddha |
Jan 09 1986 Shantivanam Ashram |
Chapel TalksSerial: NC-00645 Year Talk 2/2 OSB Cam, Attachment, Intention, Forgiveness, training, War |
Oct 17 1985 Shantivanam Ashram |
Talk to CommunityOSB Cam, Observe, Breath, Harmonizing, Buddhism, Balance |
Sep 13 1983 4 of 4 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Talk to CommunitySerial: NC-00595 Yoga. This is a repeat of NC 00450. Corinthinians. Body of the Lord. OSB Cam, Observe, Breath, Harmonizing, Buddhism, Balance |
Sep 13 1983 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Talk to CommunitySerial: NC-00449 This is a repeat of NC 00594 OSB Cam, Chanting, Buddhism, Discrimination, Balance, zen |
Sep 12 1983 3 of 4 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Talk to CommunityOSB Cam, Chanting, Discrimination, Buddhism, Balance, zen |
Sep 12 1983 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Eucharist - IndianSerial: NC-00447 Bede Griffiths introduces chant. Group (women and men) chanting. OSB Cam, Offering, Enemies, Ego, Forgiveness, Compassion |
Sep 11 1983 1 of 4 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Eucharist - IndianSerial: NC-00593 Group (men and women) chanting with Indian instruments. Is this the same as NC 00447, #item-set-086? OSB Cam, Offering, Enemies, Ego, Forgiveness, Compassion |
Sep 11 1983 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Esalen ForumOSB Cam, Buddha, Buddhism, War, Sutra, Instruction |
Sep 09 1983 4 of 4 Esalen |
Esalen ForumSerial: NC-00444 Woman introduces Bede Griffiths. Indicates the group will then go up to the Immaculate Heart Hermitage (an exchange between the two communities). Then Bede Griffiths and... OSB Cam, Buddhism, Buddha, Nirmanakaya, Offering, Sambhogakaya |
Sep 08 1983 2 of 4 Esalen |
Esalen ForumSerial: NC-00445 People asking Bede Griffiths questions. OSB Cam, Dharmakaya, Attachment, Buddhism, Buddha |
Sep 08 1983 3 of 4 Esalen |
Esalen ForumOSB Cam, Buddha, Nirvana, Ego, Oneness, Enlightenment |
Sep 07 1983 1 of 4 Esalen |
Talk to CommunitySerial: NC-00448 Repeat of NC 00592 (00448 says 2 of 4) (00592 does not say 2 of 4) OSB Cam, Oneness, Renunciation, Buddha, zen meditation |
Sep 03 1983 2 of 4 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Talk to CommunityOSB Cam, Oneness, Renunciation, Buddha, zen meditation |
Sep 03 1983 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Church and Monastic Life in the LIght of New Science and the New TechnologySerial: NC-00514 Bede Griffiths begins with chanting. OSB Cam, Renewal, Buddhism, Mahayana |
Aug 17 1983 5 of 5 |
Relation Between this World and the Absolute Reality - TantraSerial: NC-00513 Bede Griffiths begins with chanting. OSB Cam, Buddhism, Mandala, Obstacles, Balance, Ego |
Aug 16 1983 4 of 5 |
The Personal God and the Absolute GodheadOSB Cam, Buddha, Buddhism, Duality, Mahayana |
Aug 15 1983 3 of 5 |
A Contemplative Theology Oriented Towards the Experience of GodOSB Cam, Mahayana, Buddhism, Balance, Oneness, Separation |
Aug 14 1983 2 of 5 |
Necessity of Dialogue with the East for the Church and the Monastic OrderOSB Cam, Buddhism, Renunciation, Mahayana, Ego |
Aug 13 1983 1 of 5 |
Christian Doctrine of New Creation and Contemporary ScienceSerial: NC-00591 Fr Bede is a guest speaker at a conference. Begins with chanting. OSB Cam, Breath, Buddha, causation, Chanting, Separation |
1982 |
Unity through Sacred InterpretationsSerial: NC-00679 New Testament Books Japan, Offering, Compassion, Ego, Buddhism |
Living Faith Transcends LegalismSerial: NC-00680 New Testament Books Ego, Separation, Buddhism, Liberation, Anger |
Christ's Transformative Bridge to DivinitySerial: NC-00681 New Testament Books Sanctuary, Offering, Ego, Buddhism |
Sacred Awakening: Embracing Divine UnitySerial: NC-00616 Year Talks 1/2 OSB Cam, Repentance, Liberation, Ego, Money |
Jan 25 |
Faith's Journey: From Sin to BlessingSerial: NC-00678 New Testament Books Ego, Oneness, Buddhism, War, Separation |
Feb 17 |
Enlightenment Through Divine CommunionSerial: NC-00617 Year Talks 1/2 OSB Cam, Fasting, Attachment, Ego, Obstacles, Money |
Feb 18 |
Embracing Divine Unpredictability and LoveSerial: NC-00618 Year Talks 1/2 OSB Cam, Forgiveness, Ego, Concentration, Pain, Demons |
Mar 19 |
Grace Beyond Judgment and SelfSerial: NC-00619 Year Talks 1/2 OSB Cam, Ego, Forgiveness, Japan, Buddha, Concentration |
Apr 06 |
Redemption's Promise in Every FaithSerial: NC-00620 Year Talks 1/2 OSB Cam, Daily Life, Buddha, Separation, Buddhism, Ceremony |
Apr 19 |
Transcending Ego Through Divine LoveSerial: NC-00621 Year Talks 1/2 OSB Cam, Ego, Obstacles, Happiness, Enlightenment, Renewal |
May 18 |
Paul's Journey: Shaping Early ChristianitySerial: NC-00682 New Testament Books Discrimination, Buddha, Liberation, Enemies, Repentance |
May 18 |
Navigating Divine Complexity Beyond BordersSerial: NC-00622 Year Talks 1/2 OSB Cam, Anger, Ego, Oneness, Letting Go |
May 27 |
Transcendent Unity in Spiritual WisdomSerial: NC-00623 Year Talks 1/2 OSB Cam, Ego, Repentance, Diversity, Politics |
Jun 08 |
Universal Revelation and Nonviolent LoveSerial: NC-00624 Year Talks 1/2 OSB Cam, Ego, Hate, Obstacles, Enemies, Oneness |
Jun 14 |
Transcending Walls: Unity in FaithSerial: NC-00625 Year Talks 1/2 OSB Cam, Ego, Obstacles, Oneness, Instruction, Happiness |
Jun 22 |
Apostolic Tensions: Unity in DiversitySerial: NC-00626 Year Talks 1/2 OSB Cam, Duality, zen, Offering, Buddhism, Compassion |
Jun 22 |
Graceful Growth: Embrace Your NatureSerial: NC-00638 Year Talk 2/2 OSB Cam, Ego, Happiness, Separation, Demons, Money |
Jul 19 |
Harmony of Human and DivineSerial: NC-00639 Year Talk 2/2 OSB Cam, Pain, Ego, Ceremony, Don't Know Mind |
Jul 19 |
Inner Light: Beyond External ReligiositySerial: NC-00636 Year Talk 2/2 OSB Cam, Money, Pain, Duality, Ego, Repentance |
Jul 28 |
Transcending Religion Embracing Transformative LoveSerial: NC-00640A Year Talk 2/2 OSB Cam, Ego, Forgiveness, Fasting, Compassion, Concentration |
Aug 02 |