Balance Talks
Title | Speaker | |
Monastic Life: Dialogue and CommunitySerial: NC-00148 Rule of Benedict Novice Class # 2 - 1990s OSB Cam, Daily Life, training, Balance, Greed, Duality |
Dec 17 1998 |
Monastic Paths: Foundations and ContrastsSerial: NC-00135 Rule of Benedict Novice Class # 1 - 1990s OSB Cam, Commitment, Vow, Discrimination, Balance, Demons |
May 01 1996 |
Celibacy and Compassion in CommunitySerial: NC-00110 Archival Photo, Lecture #5 OSB Cam, Compassion, Commitment, Anger, Balance, Fox |
Jan 27 1995 4 of 4 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Balancing Solitude and Togetherness in FaithSerial: NC-00109 Archival Photo, Lecture #4 OSB Cam, Intimacy, Balance, Separation, Diversity, Conversation |
Jan 26 1995 3 of 4 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Sublimation and the Spiritual SelfSerial: NC-00108 Archival Photo, Lecture #2 Questions cont; Lecture #3; Lecture #3 Discussion OSB Cam, Intimacy, Balance, Enemies, Commitment |
Jan 25 1995 2 of 4 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Contemplative PrayerSerial: NC-01097 Contemplative Prayer Class OSB Cam, Fox, Ego, Balance, Attachment |
Jul 26 1994 8 of 11 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Monastic HistorySerial: NC-00338 Monastic History Class, John Cassian OSB Cam, Balance, lecture, Beginners, Intuition |
Feb 02 1994 15 of 34 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Contemplation and Inner ExperienceSerial: NC-00837 Class on contemplative prayer using Thomas Merton's The Inner Experience. Class VIII Contemplative Prayer Set 2 of 2 OSB Cam, Fox, Ego, Balance, Attachment |
1994 8 of 10 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Monastic HistorySerial: NC-00327 Monastic History Class OSB Cam, Dragons, Mindfulness, Balance, Demons, lecture |
Dec 23 1993 4 of 34 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Monastic Spirituality for the Christian in the WorldSerial: NC-00080A Monastic Spirituality for the Christian in the World Archival Photo OSB Cam, Vow, Renewal, Monastic Practice, zen, Balance |
1993 1 of 6 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Monastic Spirituality for the Christian in the WorldSerial: NC-00081B Monastic Spirituality for the Christian in the World Archival Photo OSB Cam, Vow, Balance, Commitment, Monastic Practice, Intention |
1993 4 of 6 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
The Inner MonkSerial: NC-00075A Part of "The Inner Monk" Archival Photo OSB Cam, Oneness, Emptiness, Liberation, Balance |
1992 2 of 3 |
Rule of St. BenedictSerial: NC-01063 Rule of St. Benedict lecture series. Chapters 8, 20 and 48. OSB Cam, Balance, lecture, Instruction, Concentration, Enemies |
Dec 1987 4 of 6 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Camaldoli: A Community in Dialogue Renewal, Balance, training, Diversity |
Jul 31 1987 |
Joy and Trials in Spiritual BalanceSerial: NC-00921B Talk 2 OSB Cam, Balance, Gratitude, Sanctuary, Instruction, Forgiveness |
1987 2 of 14 |
Chiastic Wisdom in John's PrologueSerial: NC-00474 Saint John OSB Cam, Balance, Mandala, resistance, Concentration, Forgiveness |
1986 |
Transformative Power in John's PrologueSerial: NC-00482 Saint John OSB Cam, Lineage, Darkness and Light, Balance, Repentance |
1986 |
John Class #15Serial: NC-00560 Lecture on Gospel of John. OSB Cam, Mandala, Balance, Thoroughness, Hate, Intention |
Mar 26 1984 |
Camaldolese HistorySerial: NC-00519 Camaldolese History Class. Conference #9 (Mar 2, 1984) & Conference #10 (Mar 14, 1984) OSB Cam, Fasting, Renewal, Balance, Observe, War |
Mar 02 1984 5 of 6 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Introduction to TheologyOSB Cam, Separation, Precepts, Sanctuary, Balance, lecture |
Feb 1984 18 of 19 New Clairvaux Abbey |
Introduction to TheologyOSB Cam, Money, Balance, Concentration, lecture, Hate |
Feb 1984 13 of 19 New Clairvaux Abbey |
Introduction to TheologyOSB Cam, lecture, Balance, Ordination, Fasting, Hate |
Feb 1984 4 of 19 New Clairvaux Abbey |
Camaldolese HistorySerial: NC-00517 Camaldolese History Class. Conference #5 (Jan 12, 1984) & Conference #6 (Jan 18, 1983) OSB Cam, War, Daily Life, Balance, Intimacy, training |
Jan 12 1984 3 of 6 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Talk to CommunityOSB Cam, Observe, Breath, Harmonizing, Buddhism, Balance |
Sep 13 1983 4 of 4 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Talk to CommunitySerial: NC-00595 Yoga. This is a repeat of NC 00450. Corinthinians. Body of the Lord. OSB Cam, Observe, Breath, Harmonizing, Buddhism, Balance |
Sep 13 1983 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Talk to CommunitySerial: NC-00449 This is a repeat of NC 00594 OSB Cam, Chanting, Buddhism, Discrimination, Balance, zen |
Sep 12 1983 3 of 4 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Talk to CommunityOSB Cam, Chanting, Discrimination, Buddhism, Balance, zen |
Sep 12 1983 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Illuminating Logos: Sound and SalvationSerial: NC-00387 Monastic Theology Series Set 2 of 3 Intuition, Balance, Duality, Diversity, Obstacles |
Sep 07 1983 |
Christ as the New SongSerial: NC-00386 Monastic Theology Series Set 2 of 3 Intuition, Instruction, Balance, Delusion |
Aug 31 1983 |
Relation Between this World and the Absolute Reality - TantraSerial: NC-00513 Bede Griffiths begins with chanting. OSB Cam, Buddhism, Mandala, Obstacles, Balance, Ego |
Aug 16 1983 4 of 5 |
A Contemplative Theology Oriented Towards the Experience of GodOSB Cam, Mahayana, Buddhism, Balance, Oneness, Separation |
Aug 14 1983 2 of 5 |
Clement's Harmonious Christian PhilosophySerial: NC-00384 Monastic Theology Series Set 2 of 3 Enlightenment, Dragons, Ego, Balance |
Aug 10 1983 |
Unity in Irenaeus' Salvific VisionSerial: NC-00382 Monastic Theology Series Set 2 of 3 Balance, Mandala, Intuition, Separation |
Aug 03 1983 |
Earthly Redemption Through Irenaeus' EyesSerial: NC-00395 Monastic Theology Series Set 1 of 3 Transmission, War, Letting Go, Balance, Enlightenment |
Jul 06 1983 |
Embodying the Living WordSerial: NC-00401 Monastic Theology Series Set 1 of 3 Transmission, Intuition, Enemies, War, Balance |
May 11 1983 |
Gnostic Illumination in Greek PhilosophySerial: NC-00399 Monastic Theology Series Set 1 of 3 Repentance, Balance, Happiness, confusion |
Apr 21 1983 |
Heart of Paschal Mystery RevealedSerial: NC-00870 Monastic Spirituality Set 10 of 12 OSB Cam, Renewal, Separation, Balance, Sanctuary, Emotions |
Mar 24 1983 |
Unveiling Monastic Mysteries: Diverse PathsSerial: NC-00545 Monastic Orientation Set 2 of 2 Balance, Renewal, Patience, realization, Buddhism |
Mar 08 1983 |
Pathways to Monastic CommitmentSerial: NC-00546 Monastic Orientation Set 2 of 2 Ordination, Balance, japanese, War |
Feb 08 1983 |
Monastic Life: Tradition Meets TransformationSerial: NC-00415 Monastic Orientation Set 1 of 2 Renewal, Balance, Liberation, Offering, Commitment |
Dec 29 1982 |
Formation, Transformation, Monastic CollaborationSerial: NC-00414 Monastic Orientation Set 1 of 2 Balance, Letting Go, Instruction, Money, Continuous Practice |
Dec 21 1982 |
Fear and Love: A Spiritual JourneySerial: NC-00683 Monastic Spirituality Set 5 of 12 Emptiness, Balance, Renunciation, Obstacles, Mindfulness |
Feb 04 1982 |
Journey to the Monastic CenterSerial: NC-00694 Monastic Spirituality Set 4 of 12 Vow, Ego, Balance, Observe, Concentration |
Jul 24 1981 |
Search for Wisdom Intimacy, Renewal, Breath, Balance, Sanctuary |
Feb 1981 1 of 14 |
Embracing Poverty: Spirit Over SubstanceSerial: NC-00371 Monastic Spirituality Set 1 of 12 OSB Cam, Liberation, Money, Balance, Commitment, Pain |
Dec 30 1980 |
From Wealth to Divine Favor: PovertySerial: NC-00370 Monastic Spirituality Set 1 of 12 OSB Cam, Enthusiasm, Duality, Commitment, Letting Go, Balance |
Dec 23 1980 |
History of Christian SpiritualitySerial: NC-01205 Part of "The History of Christian Spirituality" class OSB Cam, Commitment, Diversity, Balance, Renewal, Anger |
Aug 1980 1 of 7 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Sacred Dialogue in a Secular WorldSerial: NC-00832 1980s OSB Cam, Anger, War, Balance, Enthusiasm |
Jun 1980 |
Bridging Symbolic Journeys to UnitySerial: NC-00674 Miscellaneous Demons, Balance, Diversity, Obstacles |
Oct 1978 |
The Big PictureSerial: NC-00261 Archival Photo OSB Cam, Liberation, Daily Life, Balance, Breath, Enthusiasm |