Continuous Practice Talks
Title | Speaker | |
Monastic Joy Through Lent's LensSerial: NC-00152 Rule of Benedict Novice Class # 2 - 1990s OSB Cam, Continuous Practice, Enthusiasm, Renunciation, Instruction, Emotions... |
Feb 18 1999 |
Greek Hesychasts and English Mystics / Our ChristificationSerial: NC-00006 Session 3 & 4 of "Continual Prayer in Eastern and Western Christianity" Talk 3: The Jesus Prayer in the Middle Ages: Greek Hesychasts and English Mystics... OSB Cam, Duality, Continuous Practice, Sanctuary, Renunciation, Concentration... |
1996 2 of 2 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Camaldolese Artists: The MiniaturistsSerial: NC-00296 Part of "Camaldolese Artists" 3. The Miniaturists OSB Cam, Greed, Continuous Practice, Enthusiasm, lecture |
Oct 13 1995 3 of 5 |
Sacred Brushstrokes of Camaldolese ArtSerial: NC-00949 Camaldolese Artists: The Miniaturists OSB Cam, Greed, Continuous Practice, Enthusiasm, lecture |
Oct 13 1995 3 of 5 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Primitive Romualdian Spirituality / ApplicationsSerial: NC-00015 Part of "Romualdian/Camaldolese/Benedictine Spirituality" 1. Primitive Romualdian Spirituality / Applications Archival Photo OSB Cam, Demons, Intimacy, Fasting, Attachment, Continuous Practice |
1995 1 of 4 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Spirit of Filial Adoption and Prayer / Spirit of Mission and Charismatic GiftsSerial: NC-00020 Session 3 & 4 of "New Life in the Holy Spirit" Talk 3: Spirit of Filial Adoption and Prayer Talk 4: Spirit of Mission and Charismatic... OSB Cam, Breath, zen meditation, Continuous Practice, Intimacy, Posture |
1995 2 of 2 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Contemplative Prayer: Practice of the Presence of GodSerial: NC-00931 Contemplative Prayer class. Practice of the Presence of God Commitment, Breath, Continuous Practice, Intention, Lovingkindness |
Oct 18 1994 6 of 7 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Contemplative PrayerSerial: NC-00883 Contemplative Prayer Class OSB Cam, Ego, zen, realization, Continuous Practice |
May 17 1994 1 of 11 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Contemplation and Inner ExperienceSerial: NC-00708 Class on contemplative prayer using Thomas Merton's The Inner Experience. Class I Contemplative Prayer Set 1 of 2 OSB Cam, Ego, zen, realization, Continuous Practice |
1994 1 of 10 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Rule of St. BenedictSerial: NC-01064 Rule of St. Benedict lecture series OSB Cam, Happiness, Continuous Practice, Observe, Anger, Intention |
Dec 1987 5 of 6 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Transformed in Communal HarmonyOSB Cam, Emptiness, Renunciation, Continuous Practice, Obstacles, Vow |
1987 5-6 of 14 |
Encountering the Word: John's Mystical TheologySerial: NC-00481 Saint John OSB Cam, Darkness and Light, realization, Intention, Continuous Practice, Demons... |
1986 |
Pathways of Monastic HarmonyOSB Cam, Mindfulness, War, Renewal, Continuous Practice, confusion |
Nov 10 1985 |
Gospel of John and the Christian Wisdom TraditionSerial: NC-00555 Retreat on the Gospel of John OSB Cam, Intimacy, Intention, Hindrances, Pain, Continuous Practice |
Dec 10 1984 1 of 5 Utah |
Embodied Theology in Irenaeuss VisionSerial: NC-00405 Monastic Theology Series Set 1 of 3 Breath, Don't Know Mind, Intimacy, Sanctuary, Continuous Practice |
Jun 15 1983 |
Monastic Masters and Their LegacySerial: NC-00544 Monastic Orientation Set 2 of 2 Two Truths, Thoroughness, Continuous Practice, Intuition, Separation |
Mar 15 1983 |
Formation, Transformation, Monastic CollaborationSerial: NC-00414 Monastic Orientation Set 1 of 2 Balance, Letting Go, Instruction, Money, Continuous Practice |
Dec 21 1982 |
Divine and Human Obedience JourneySerial: NC-00794 Monastic Spirituality Set 2 of 12 OSB Cam, Vow, Commitment, Liberation, First Principle, Continuous Practice |
Jan 27 1981 |
Celibacy's Path to Sacred UnionSerial: NC-00367 Monastic Spirituality Set 1 of 12 OSB Cam, Happiness, Ego, Duality, Renunciation, Continuous Practice |
Dec 03 1980 |
History of Christian SpiritualitySerial: NC-01206 Part of "The History of Christian Spirituality" class OSB Cam, causation, Money, Bell, Continuous Practice, Enthusiasm |
Aug 1980 2 of 7 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Harmony Through Sincerity and HumilitySerial: NC-00227 Archival Photo Cultivation, Continuous Practice, Compassion, realization, Intention |
Transformative Struggles in Spiritual GrowthSerial: NC-00561 Cassian Institute Attachment, Continuous Practice, Fasting, Emptiness, Hate |
Balancing Tradition and Modernity in Monastic PrayerSerial: NC-00288 Liturgy Class Instruction, Bell, Continuous Practice, Fasting |
Jun 01 |