Hate Talks
Title | Speaker | |
Navigating Modernity Through Monastic WisdomSerial: NC-00145 Rule of Benedict Novice Class # 2 - 1990s OSB Cam, Renewal, Hate, War, Greed |
Jan 28 1999 |
Monastic Margins, Spiritual CenterSerial: NC-00150 Rule of Benedict Novice Class # 2 - 1990s OSB Cam, Renewal, realization, Buddhism, Hate, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center... |
Jan 02 1999 |
Balancing Wisdom and Mercy in Monastic LeadershipSerial: NC-00137 Rule of Benedict Novice Class # 1 - 1990s OSB Cam, Fasting, Patience, Enemies, Hate |
May 16 1996 |
Balancing Identity: Independence Meets InterdependenceSerial: NC-00107 Archival Photo, Lecture #1 OSB Cam, Ego, unconscious process, Anger, Hate, Separation |
Jan 23 1995 1 of 4 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Contemplative PrayerSerial: NC-01101 Contemplative Prayer Class OSB Cam, Hate, Fox, MM-12, Addiction, Intuition |
Aug 1994 11 of 11 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Monastic HistorySerial: NC-00345 Monastic History Class, Carolingian Monasticism, Charlemagne OSB Cam, Money, lecture, Hate, Vow, Politics |
Mar 02 1994 23 of 34 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Contemplation and Inner ExperienceSerial: NC-00839 Class on contemplative prayer using Thomas Merton's The Inner Experience. Class XI (Class X not recorded) Contemplative Prayer Set 2 of 2 ...OSB Cam, Hate, Fox, Addiction, Intuition |
1994 10 of 10 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Graceful Trials: Paths to Spiritual MaturityOSB Cam, Obstacles, Gratitude, Anger, Offering, Hate |
1987 9-10 of 14 |
Unveiling Symbols of Spiritual DestinyOSB Cam, Ego, Enthusiasm, Fasting, Buddha, Hate |
Nov 29 1986 Shantivanam Ashram |
Embodied Spirit: Pathways to Divine UnionOSB Cam, Anger, Ego, Hate, Don't Know Mind |
Mar 11 1986 Shantivanam Ashram |
Evolving Gospel: Dialogue and InculturationOSB Cam, Buddhism, Karma, Hate, Enemies, Buddha |
Jan 09 1986 Shantivanam Ashram |
John: The Mystical Maverick GospelSerial: NC-00479 Saint John OSB Cam, Demons, Intimacy, War, Hate |
1986 |
John Class #15Serial: NC-00560 Lecture on Gospel of John. OSB Cam, Mandala, Balance, Thoroughness, Hate, Intention |
Mar 26 1984 |
Introduction to TheologyOSB Cam, Money, Balance, Concentration, lecture, Hate |
Feb 1984 13 of 19 New Clairvaux Abbey |
Introduction to TheologyOSB Cam, lecture, Balance, Ordination, Fasting, Hate |
Feb 1984 4 of 19 New Clairvaux Abbey |
Monastic Paths: Community and GrowthSerial: NC-00860 Monastic Spirituality Set 8 of 12 OSB Cam, Anger, Renunciation, Hate, Letting Go, Attachment |
Nov 10 1982 |
Authenticity Awakening in Spiritual TruthSerial: NC-00997 Monastic Spirituality, Set 7 of 12 OSB Cam, Ego, Happiness, Oneness, Hate, Intention |
Aug 18 1982 |
Forgiveness: A Monastic Pathway to PeaceSerial: NC-00995 Monastic Spirituality, Set 7 of 12 OSB Cam, Anger, Forgiveness, Hate, Emotions |
Jul 15 1982 |
Transformative Love: Embracing Forgiveness JourneySerial: NC-00993 Monastic Spirituality, Set 7 of 12 OSB Cam, Forgiveness, Obstacles, Hate, Repentance, Ego |
Apr 14 1982 |
Journey from Judgment to HarmonySerial: NC-01014 Monastic Spirituality, Set 6 of 12 OSB Cam, Intuition, Hate, Enemies, Ego |
Mar 24 1982 |
Opening the Heart Through GuidanceSerial: NC-01010 Monastic Spirituality, Set 6 of 12 OSB Cam, Hate, Ego, Fasting, Renunciation, Don't Know Mind |
Feb 26 1982 |
Renouncing to Affirm Spiritual LifeSerial: NC-00688 Monastic Spirituality Set 5 of 12 Renunciation, Attachment, training, Hate, Patience |
Nov 05 1981 |
Solitude's Role in Monastic HarmonySerial: NC-00689 Monastic Spirituality Set 5 of 12 Renunciation, Letting Go, Emptiness, Hate, Greed |
Oct 29 1981 |
Obedience and Redemption UnveiledSerial: NC-00795 Monastic Spirituality Set 2 of 12 OSB Cam, Koan, Transmission, Liberation, zen, Hate |
Feb 18 1981 |
Koans Don't Know Mind, Ego, Hate, Conversation |
Feb 1981 14 of 14 |
Man - Image of God - Transfiguration Ego, Oneness, Enlightenment, Hate, Anger |
Feb 1981 10 of 14 |
Asceticism Addiction, Emptiness, Buddhism, Renunciation, Hate |
Feb 1981 11 of 14 |
History of Christian SpiritualitySerial: NC-01210 Part of "The History of Christian Spirituality" class OSB Cam, Obstacles, Offering, Happiness, Hate |
Dec 1980 6 of 7 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Freud vs Jung: Religion's Psychological RootsOSB Cam, Mandala, Buddhism, Pain, Hate, zen |
Apr 1980 |
Transformative Struggles in Spiritual GrowthSerial: NC-00561 Cassian Institute Attachment, Continuous Practice, Fasting, Emptiness, Hate |
Monastic Reflections: Sin and SalvationSerial: NC-00564 Cassian Institute Hate, Diversity, Forgiveness, War |
Universal Revelation and Nonviolent LoveSerial: NC-00624 Year Talks 1/2 OSB Cam, Ego, Hate, Obstacles, Enemies, Oneness |
Jun 14 |