Koan Talks

A kōan ( KOH-a(h)n; Japanese: 公案; Chinese: 公案; pinyin: gōng'àn [kʊ́ŋ ân]; Korean: 화두; Vietnamese: công án) is a story, dialogue, question, or statement from Chinese Chan Buddhist lore, supplemented with commentaries, that is used in Zen Buddhist practice in different ways. The main goal of kōan practice in Zen is to achieve kenshō (Chinese: jianxing 見性), to see or observe one's buddha-nature.

Extended study of kōan literature as well as meditation (zazen) on a kōan is a major feature of modern Rinzai Zen. They are also studied in the Sōtō school of Zen to a lesser extent. In Chinese Chan and Korean Seon Buddhism, meditating on a huatou, a key phrase of a kōan, is also a major Zen meditation method.

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Showing 11 talks

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Title Speaker

The Brief Rule of St. Romuald

Serial: NC-00051

The Little Rule of Saint Romuald

Archival Photo

OSB Cam, Romuald, Brief Rule of St. Romuald, zen, Instruction, Money, Koan,...
1 of 4
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Participation and Poetry in the New Testament

Serial: NC-00061

Part of "Spirituality in a Secular World: Poetry and Wisdom"

3. Participation and Poetry in the New Testament

Archival Photo

OSB Cam, Enlightenment, Forgiveness, Conversation, Koan
3 of 4
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Camaldolese History

Serial: NC-00515

Camaldolese History Class. Conference #1 (Dec 7, 1983) & Conference #2 (Dec 14, 1983)

OSB Cam, War, Study Period, Politics, Lineage, Koan
Dec 07 1983
1 of 6
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Unveiling Christ in Sacred Texts

Serial: NC-00398

Monastic Theology Series Set 1 of 3

Thoroughness, Patience, realization, Pain, Koan
Apr 14 1983

Charismatic Leadership in Monastic Letters

Serial: NC-00690

Monastic Spirituality Set 5 of 12

Instruction, Transmission, Letting Go, Demons, Koan
Oct 21 1981

Eternal Devotion: A Sacred Response

Serial: NC-00697

Monastic Spirituality Set 4 of 12

Commitment, Mahayana, First Principle, Koan, Enlightenment
Jun 11 1981

Stability as Freedom's Anchor

Serial: NC-00874

Monastic Spirituality Set 3 of 12

OSB Cam, Commitment, Vow, Ceremony, zen, Koan
Apr 24 1981

Obedience and Redemption Unveiled

Serial: NC-00795

Monastic Spirituality Set 2 of 12

OSB Cam, Koan, Transmission, Liberation, zen, Hate
Feb 18 1981

Knowledge of God & Trinity

Transmission, Emptiness, Buddhism, Lineage, Koan
Feb 1981
4 of 14

Divine Being Beyond Words

Serial: NC-00212B

Archival Photo

Buddha, Koan, Buddhism, Lotus Sutra

Eliot's Timeless Dance of Paradox

Serial: NC-00834


OSB Cam, War, Koan, Emotions, Emptiness