Oneness Talks
Title | Speaker | |
The Mysticism of Meister EckhartSerial: NC-01070 Community Retreat Spring 2002 OSB Cam, Meister Eckhart, Mysticism, Apophatic, Intuition, Fox, Oneness, Beginners... |
Apr 2002 1 of 5 (#4 not recorded) New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Sacred HumanitasSerial: NC-01073 Community Retreat Spring 2002. Soul and Spirit. Presence and Absence. OSB Cam, Poetry, Bowing, Ego, Fox, Demons, Oneness |
Apr 2002 5 of 5 (#4 not recorded) New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Monasticism: A Universal Heart QuestSerial: NC-00144 Rule of Benedict Novice Class # 2 - 1990s OSB Cam, Duality, Emptiness, Oneness, Buddhism |
Jan 21 1999 |
Parables and Epiphanies: Modern PoemsSerial: NC-00066 Part of "The Kingdom in Parables: New Testament, Cosmology and Contemporary Poetry" 4. Parables and Epiphanies: Modern Poems Archival Photo OSB Cam, Buddha, Enlightenment, realization, Repentance, Oneness |
1998 4 of 4 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Johns Gospel: A Chiastic RevelationSerial: NC-00285 New Testament Class OSB Cam, Oneness, Mandala, Diversity, Separation, Chanting |
Oct 03 1995 |
Unifying Wisdom Across Spiritual TraditionsSerial: NC-00284 New Testament Class OSB Cam, Oneness, Duality, Enlightenment, Breath |
Sep 13 1995 |
Mark's Gospel: Wilderness and TransformationSerial: NC-00283 New Testament Class OSB Cam, realization, Oneness, Enlightenment, Intention |
Sep 05 1995 |
Exploring the Mysteries of FaithSerial: NC-00280 New Testament Class OSB Cam, Diversity, Mandala, Oneness, Separation, Sanctuary |
Aug 09 1995 |
Old Testament: Foundation and FulfillmentSerial: NC-00279 New Testament Class OSB Cam, Oneness, Instruction, Posture, Duality, confusion |
Aug 01 1995 |
Unitive Theology in New Testament InsightsSerial: NC-00278 New Testament Class OSB Cam, Oneness, Darkness and Light, Intention, Separation |
Jul 25 1995 |
Celibacy's Transformative Role in MonasticismSerial: NC-00131 Rule of Benedict Novice Class # 1 - 1990s OSB Cam, Emptiness, Pain, Oneness, Vow, Commitment |
1995 |
Contemplative PrayerSerial: NC-00884 Contemplative Prayer Class OSB Cam, Darkness and Light, Oneness, realization, Eka, Enlightenment |
Jun 27 1994 6 of 11 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Contemplative PrayerSerial: NC-01099 Contemplative Prayer Class OSB Cam, Oneness, Darkness and Light, realization |
Jun 21 1994 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Contemplative PrayerSerial: NC-00885 Contemplative Prayer Class OSB Cam, Oneness, Darkness and Light, realization |
Jun 21 1994 5 of 11 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Contemplative PrayerSerial: NC-00879 Contemplative Prayer Class OSB Cam, Breath, zen, Oneness, Japan, japanese |
Jun 08 1994 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Contemplative PrayerSerial: NC-00880 Contemplative Prayer Class OSB Cam, Breath, zen, Oneness, Japan, japanese |
Jun 08 1994 4 of 11 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Contemplation and Inner ExperienceSerial: NC-00711 Class on contemplative prayer using Thomas Merton's The Inner Experience. Class IV Contemplative Prayer Set 1 of 2 OSB Cam, Breath, zen, Oneness, Japan, japanese |
1994 4 of 10 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Contemplation and Inner ExperienceSerial: NC-00712 Class on contemplative prayer using Thomas Merton's The Inner Experience. Class V Contemplative Prayer Set 1 of 2 OSB Cam, Oneness, Darkness and Light, realization |
1994 5 of 10 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Contemplation and Inner ExperienceSerial: NC-00835 Class on contemplative prayer using Thomas Merton's The Inner Experience. Class VI Contemplative Prayer Set 2 of 2 OSB Cam, Oneness, Darkness and Light, realization, Eka, Enlightenment |
1994 6 of 10 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Participative Knowledge in Religion and in PoetrySerial: NC-00059 Part of "Spirituality in a Secular World: Poetry and Wisdom" 1. Participative Knowledge in Religion and in Poetry Archival Photo OSB Cam, Fox, Oneness, Liberation |
1993 1 of 4 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
The Tree of LifeSerial: NC-00068 Part of "The Spirituality of John's Gospel" retreat. Archival Photo OSB Cam, Mandala, Darkness and Light, Oneness, Separation |
1992 2 of 4 |
The Inner MonkSerial: NC-00075A Part of "The Inner Monk" Archival Photo OSB Cam, Oneness, Emptiness, Liberation, Balance |
1992 2 of 3 |
Contemplative Prayer in the Modern WorldSerial: NC-00268 Contemplative Prayer in the Modern World Intimacy, Oneness, Emptiness, Patience |
May 28 1988 3 of 3 San Luis Obispo |
Gospel of John and the Christian Wisdom TraditionSerial: NC-00558 Retreat on the Gospel of John OSB Cam, Oneness, Breath, Intimacy, Pain, Japan |
Dec 13 1984 4 of 5 Utah |
Esalen ForumOSB Cam, Buddha, Nirvana, Ego, Oneness, Enlightenment |
Sep 07 1983 1 of 4 Esalen |
Talk to CommunitySerial: NC-00448 Repeat of NC 00592 (00448 says 2 of 4) (00592 does not say 2 of 4) OSB Cam, Oneness, Renunciation, Buddha, zen meditation |
Sep 03 1983 2 of 4 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Talk to CommunityOSB Cam, Oneness, Renunciation, Buddha, zen meditation |
Sep 03 1983 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
A Contemplative Theology Oriented Towards the Experience of GodOSB Cam, Mahayana, Buddhism, Balance, Oneness, Separation |
Aug 14 1983 2 of 5 |
Recapitulation: Irenaeus' Theological TapestrySerial: NC-00393 Monastic Theology Series Set 1 of 3 Demons, Repentance, resistance, Oneness, Emptiness |
Jun 22 1983 |
Unity in Christ: Irenaeus' VisionSerial: NC-00402 Monastic Theology Series Set 1 of 3 japanese, Oneness, Renewal, zen |
May 23 1983 |
Monasticism: Universal Archetype or Christian Essence?Serial: NC-00871 Monastic Spirituality Set 10 of 12 OSB Cam, Buddhism, Oneness, Emptiness, zen, Equanimity |
Apr 16 1983 |
Gnostic Echoes in Modern FaithSerial: NC-00397 Monastic Theology Series Set 1 of 3 Enthusiasm, zen, Politics, Oneness |
Mar 09 1983 |
Reconciling Reality Through Spiritual VigilanceSerial: NC-00998 Monastic Spirituality, Set 7 of 12 OSB Cam, Separation, Oneness, Letting Go, Equanimity, Mindfulness |
Aug 25 1982 |
Authenticity Awakening in Spiritual TruthSerial: NC-00997 Monastic Spirituality, Set 7 of 12 OSB Cam, Ego, Happiness, Oneness, Hate, Intention |
Aug 18 1982 |
Divine Humility and Fearful ReverenceSerial: NC-01009 Monastic Spirituality, Set 6 of 12 OSB Cam, Oneness, Separation, Ego, Pain, Patience |
Feb 17 1982 |
Palateia: Personal Spiritual RevolutionSerial: NC-00691 Monastic Spirituality Set 4 of 12 Oneness, Letting Go, Enlightenment, Soto Zen, Don't Know Mind |
Jul 01 1981 |
Heart Oneness, Emptiness, Concentration, Fasting |
Feb 1981 8 fo 14 |
Man - Image of God - Transfiguration Ego, Oneness, Enlightenment, Hate, Anger |
Feb 1981 10 of 14 |
Individualism's Spiritual Slumber UnveiledSerial: NC-00568 Cassian Institute Oneness, Addiction, zen, Emptiness |
Mar 1980 |
The Emerging Gospel: Christianity As New Creation: The SilenceSerial: NC-00008 The Emerging Gospel: Christianity As New Creation I: The Silence Archival Photo OSB Cam, Buddhism, Emptiness, Darkness and Light, Oneness |
2 of 4 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Beyond Duality: A Zen-Christian HarmonySerial: NC-00211A Archival Photo Zazen, zen, japanese, Oneness |
Cultivating Depth Through Spiritual SimplicitySerial: NC-00562 Cassian Institute Mindfulness, Emotions, Concentration, Oneness, Letting Go |
The Emerging Gospel: Christianity As New Creation: The MusicSerial: NC-00009 The Emerging Gospel: Christianity As New Creation III: The Music Archival Photo OSB Cam, Emptiness, Ego, Oneness, First Principle, Compassion |
3 of 4 New Camaldoli Hermitage |
Introduction to Holy Scripture: The Exodus of the People of GodOSB Cam, Intention, Cultivation, Diversity, Oneness, Enlightenment |
Faith's Journey: From Sin to BlessingSerial: NC-00678 New Testament Books Ego, Oneness, Buddhism, War, Separation |
Feb 17 |
Navigating Divine Complexity Beyond BordersSerial: NC-00622 Year Talks 1/2 OSB Cam, Anger, Ego, Oneness, Letting Go |
May 27 |
Universal Revelation and Nonviolent LoveSerial: NC-00624 Year Talks 1/2 OSB Cam, Ego, Hate, Obstacles, Enemies, Oneness |
Jun 14 |
Transcending Walls: Unity in FaithSerial: NC-00625 Year Talks 1/2 OSB Cam, Ego, Obstacles, Oneness, Instruction, Happiness |
Jun 22 |