Renewal Talks

Showing 46 talks

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Title Speaker

January 28th, 1999, Serial No. 00145

Serial: NC-00145

Rule of Benedict Novice Class # 2 - 1990s

OSB Cam, Renewal, Hate, War, Greed
Jan 28 1999

January 2nd, 1999, Serial No. 00150

Serial: NC-00150

Rule of Benedict Novice Class # 2 - 1990s

OSB Cam, Renewal, realization, Buddhism, Hate, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center...
Jan 02 1999

Parables: Cosmology

Serial: NC-00065

Part of "The Kingdom in Parables: New Testament, Cosmology and Contemporary Poetry"

3. Parables: Cosmology

Archival Photo

OSB Cam, realization, Intuition, Duality, Observe, Renewal
3 of 4
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Bound For Glory: Transfiguration Spirituality

Serial: NC-00071

Part of "Bound For Glory: Transfiguration Spirituality"

Archival Photo

OSB Cam, Commitment, Conversation, Gratitude, Renewal, Offering
1 of 4
New Camaldoli Hermitage

November 10th, 1995, Serial No. 00133

Serial: NC-00133

Rule of Benedict Novice Class # 1 - 1990s

OSB Cam, Commitment, Vow, Constancy, Renewal, Enemies
Nov 10 1995

Essential Features of the Holy Spirit / Birth of "Pneuma" in Humans

Serial: NC-00019

Session 1 & 2 of "New Life in the Holy Spirit"

Talk 1: Essential Features of the Holy Spirit: Breath, Light, Responsive Love

Talk 2: irth of...

OSB Cam, Breath, zen meditation, japanese, Enlightenment, Renewal
1 of 2
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Camaldolese Spirituality: Unity in Diversity

Serial: NC-00018

Part of "Romualdian/Camaldolese/Benedictine Spirituality"

4. Camaldolese Spirituality: Unity in Diversity

Archival Photo

OSB Cam, Renewal, Commitment, War, Politics
4 of 4
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Monastic History

Serial: NC-00321

Monastic History Class, Gregorian Reform (Gregory the VII/Hildebrand)

OSB Cam, Money, Politics, War, Interdependence, Renewal
Mar 24 1994
30 of 34
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Monastic History

Serial: NC-00351

Monastic History Class, Cistercian Order

OSB Cam, Politics, Bell, Buddha, Renewal, Separation
Mar 23 1994
29 of 35
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Monastic History

Serial: NC-00350

Monastic History Class, Organizing the Benedictine Order

OSB Cam, Money, Politics, Bell, Renewal, Vow
Mar 17 1994
28 of 34
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Monastic History

Serial: NC-00349

Monastic History Class, New Orders

OSB Cam, Money, Fasting, Renewal
Mar 16 1994
27 of 34
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Monastic History

Serial: NC-00341

Monastic History Class, Monastic Rules

OSB Cam, Bell, Demons, Renewal
Feb 16 1994
19 of 34
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Monastic History

Serial: NC-00340

Monastic History Class, Penitentials

OSB Cam, Politics, confusion, Intuition, Renewal
Feb 09 1994
18 of 34
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Monastic Spirituality for the Christian in the World

Serial: NC-00080A

Monastic Spirituality for the Christian in the World

Archival Photo

OSB Cam, Vow, Renewal, Monastic Practice, zen, Balance
1 of 6
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Camaldoli: A Community in Dialogue

Renewal, Balance, training, Diversity
Jul 31 1987

November 10th, 1985, Serial No. 00987

OSB Cam, Mindfulness, War, Renewal, Continuous Practice, confusion
Nov 10 1985

Camaldolese History

Serial: NC-00519

Camaldolese History Class. Conference #9 (Mar 2, 1984) & Conference #10 (Mar 14, 1984)

OSB Cam, Fasting, Renewal, Balance, Observe, War
Mar 02 1984
5 of 6
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Introduction to Theology, Serial No. 01113

OSB Cam, Renewal, Enthusiasm, Instruction
Feb 1984
16 of 19
New Clairvaux Abbey

Camaldolese History

Serial: NC-00518

Camaldolese History Class. Conference #7 (Jan 25, 1984) & Conference #8 (Feb 22, 1984)

OSB Cam, Sanctuary, Daily Life, Politics, Renewal, Enemies
Jan 25 1984
4 of 6
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Camaldolese History

Serial: NC-00516

Camaldolese History Class. Conference #3 (Dec 21, 1983) & Conference #4 (Jan 4, 1984)

OSB Cam, Fasting, Daily Life, Renewal, Conversation, Beginners
Dec 21 1983
2 of 6
New Camaldoli Hermitage

August 27th, 1983, Serial No. 00705

Serial: NC-00705

Monastic Spirituality Set 12 of 12

zen, Concentration, Enlightenment, Renewal
Aug 27 1983

August 25th, 1983, Serial No. 00704

Serial: NC-00704

Monastic Spirituality Set 12 of 12

Instruction, Renewal, Obstacles, confusion, training
Aug 25 1983

Church and Monastic Life in the LIght of New Science and the New Technology

Serial: NC-00514

Bede Griffiths begins with chanting.

OSB Cam, Renewal, Buddhism, Mahayana
Aug 17 1983
5 of 5

August 5th, 1983, Serial No. 00701

Serial: NC-00701

Monastic Spirituality Set 12 of 12

Monastic Practice, Renewal, Demons, Concentration, lecture
Aug 05 1983

July 19th, 1983, Serial No. 00379

Serial: NC-00379

Monastic Spirituality Set 11 of 12

Renunciation, Dragons, Liberation, Letting Go, Renewal
Jul 19 1983

May 24th, 1983, Serial No. 00376

Serial: NC-00376

Monastic Spirituality Set 11 of 12

Separation, War, Enlightenment, Concentration, Renewal
May 24 1983

May 23rd, 1983, Serial No. 00402

Serial: NC-00402

Monastic Theology Series Set 1 of 3

japanese, Oneness, Renewal, zen
May 23 1983

May 10th, 1983, Serial No. 00375

Serial: NC-00375

Monastic Spirituality Set 11 of 12

Vow, War, Money, Renewal, Separation
May 10 1983

April 26th, 1983, Serial No. 00373

Serial: NC-00373

Monastic Spirituality Set 11 of 12

Renewal, Separation, Observe, Fasting, Breath
Apr 26 1983

March 24th, 1983, Serial No. 00870

Serial: NC-00870

Monastic Spirituality Set 10 of 12

OSB Cam, Renewal, Separation, Balance, Sanctuary, Emotions
Mar 24 1983

March 8th, 1983, Serial No. 00545

Serial: NC-00545

Monastic Orientation Set 2 of 2

Balance, Renewal, Patience, realization, Buddhism
Mar 08 1983

Exodus - The Covenant With Abraham

Serial: NC-00941

Class #5 on the Book of Exodus - The Covenant With Abraham.

OSB Cam, Renewal, Ceremony, War, Politics, Money
Feb 10 1983
3 of 3
New Camaldoli Hermitage

February 1st, 1983, Serial No. 00547

Serial: NC-00547

Monastic Orientation Set 2 of 2

Vow, Instruction, Renewal, Commitment, Patience
Feb 01 1983

January 28th, 1983, Serial No. 00548

Serial: NC-00548

Monastic Orientation Set 2 of 2

Renewal, Diversity, Repentance, Sanctuary, Buddha
Jan 28 1983


Serial: NC-00940

Class #3 (20 Jan 82) and #4 (20 Jan 83) on the Book of Exodus.

OSB Cam, Transmission, Renewal, New Year, confusion, Letting Go
Jan 20 1983
2 of 3
New Camaldoli Hermitage

January 4th, 1983, Serial No. 00416

Serial: NC-00416

Monastic Orientation Set 1 of 2

Fasting, Renewal, Repentance, Instruction, Vow
Jan 04 1983

December 29th, 1982, Serial No. 00415

Serial: NC-00415

Monastic Orientation Set 1 of 2

Renewal, Balance, Liberation, Offering, Commitment
Dec 29 1982

December 6th, 1982, Serial No. 00412

Serial: NC-00412

Monastic Orientation Set 1 of 2

Renewal, Buddhism, Vow, zen, realization
Dec 06 1982

November 30th, 1982, Serial No. 00411

Serial: NC-00411

Monastic Orientation Set 1 of 2

Renewal, Constancy, Diversity, Fasting, lecture
Nov 30 1982

Search for Wisdom

Intimacy, Renewal, Breath, Balance, Sanctuary
Feb 1981
1 of 14

History of Christian Spirituality

Serial: NC-01211

Part of "The History of Christian Spirituality" class

OSB Cam, Renewal, Money, Obstacles, Commitment, Sanctuary
Feb 1981
7 of 7
New Camaldoli Hermitage

History of Christian Spirituality

Serial: NC-01205

Part of "The History of Christian Spirituality" class

OSB Cam, Commitment, Diversity, Balance, Renewal, Anger
Aug 1980
1 of 7
New Camaldoli Hermitage

November 1979 talk, Serial No. 00828

Serial: NC-00828


OSB Cam, Diversity, Ordination, Renewal, Commitment, Obstacles
Nov 1979

Unknown Date, Serial 00982

OSB Cam, Diversity, Enlightenment, Renewal, Darkness and Light, Buddhism

Unknown Date, Serial 00671

Serial: NC-00671


unconscious process, Renewal, Darkness and Light, Breath

Unknown year, May talk, Serial 00621

Serial: NC-00621

Year Talks 1/2

OSB Cam, Ego, Obstacles, Happiness, Enlightenment, Renewal
May 18